Main Objectives

Our proposed Optical Fiber Sensors provide a unique and highly novel solution to the problem of hypoxia, as well as being able to simultaneously measure the real time delivered radiation dose, involving the development of separate sensors, as proposed below:

To measure real-time radiation dose delivery with higher resolution. This probe will be capable of accurately measuring the internal radiation dose delivered to the patient and is based on an optical fiber that includes trace amounts of radioluminescent scintillator material and which is wholly encapsulated within the structure of the fibre. This probe will aim to measure clinical radiation dose levels (Gy) with cGy (centi-Gray) resolution.

To measure real-time oxygen concentration in hypoxic tumors with higher resolution. This will be achieved by accurately measuring minimal fluctuations in the optical properties (refractive index and/or optical absorption) of the surrounding medium (in this case the tumor). This approach eliminates the need for specialist coatings that would make future approval by the medical authorities more difficult.

In both cases the only material coming into contact with the patient is that of the fiber, i.e. silica glass or polymer (polymethyl methacrylate – PMMA or perfluorinated polymer, e.g. CYTOP), or a protective encapsulating coating, e.g. polyimide, all of which are medically certified as safe for use. The OFSs will be real-time, in-vivo systems that can be used whilst the patient is undergoing radiotherapy treatment; either by brachytherapy (BT) or external beam radiotherapy (EBRT).